“D V Singh Foundation for Child Development” is a Govt. of India registered not-for-profit organization which is located in Punjab, India. We are a social welfare and charitable society which work for the upliftment in educational and literacy, health and family welfare, women development and empowerment, hunger and civic related activities for poor children, especially for women and girls.

Society is dedicated to making the fund available to those children who wish to enhance their skill developments through schools and to promote the poor children to enrol themself in education. Society promotes higher education and provides the funds among the students who are not able to continue their studies due to non-availability of funds. We are also helping the society in terms of health and women empowerment by providing the strengths to the female of our Nation. Society also works in the field of food supply and civic related activities to remove the trafficking and hunger issues from the society.

Our credentials:
-> PAN: AAGAD6519G
-> Darpan id: PB/2021/0289069
-> 12A: AAGAD6519GE2021401
-> 80G Document identification No: AAGAD6519GF2021701
-> 80G Application No: 326461610200821
-> 80G Unique Registration No: AAGAD6519GF20217
-> MCA CSR 1: SRN-T54345046/CSR00016308
-> TAN: JLDD04001E

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